Anti-Fatigue Mats
Anti-fatigue floor mats provide a supportive cushioned surface for relief on joints and muscles during periods of standing. Not only do anti-fatigue mats make standing more comfortable, they have many health benefits.
Anti-fatigue mats are proven to encourage users to subconsciously make small movements whilst standing, which stimulates blood flow, reduces fatigue, improves posture, increases metabolism and reduce strain, pressure and discomfort on muscles and joints. Overall, this improves health, safety and well-being and increases productivity.
Made with high quality, long lasting materials, all of our anti-fatigue mats are ergonomically designed to ensure the highest level of comfort during use. We have an extensive range of ergonomic floor comfort mats for many applications to suit your needs. All our floor comfort mats are durable and perfect for frequent use.
Anti-fatigue mats are an essential solution for any workplace or environment when standing for long periods. Excellent for use around the home or workplace, with stand up desks and sit to stand workstations, or anywhere where you are spending time on your feet or kneeling. We have the perfect floor comfort solution for you!
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